This page contains Internet links found throughout the Handbook. Clicking on the link takes you directly to the page . . . saving you time and ensuring you are taken to the correct webpage:
General Treasure Hunting
Coin Hunting / Collecting
U.S. Relic Hunting
Metal Detecting Information & Forums:
Facebook Groups:
The number of Facebook groups is growing exponentially each day due to the ease in which they can be created so providing even a partial list generated at the point this book went to the printer would result in a list that was woefully out of date even a few months later. If you are a Facebook user simply do a search for groups containing Minelab Equinox and find one or more that look like they have the makeup that best meets your personal preferences. There are some that are country-specific yet contain information that is applicable to hunting worldwide so spend a rainy evening and check a few of the groups out. Here are the top three Facebook groups currently focusing on the Minelab Equinox (but despite the name, none are Minelab Electronics-run groups)
Coin Collecting & Identification:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
European, U.K. and Non-U.S. Hunting:
Competition Hunting:
Relic Hunting: